Thursday, August 6, 2009

Green island living

LUXE does not have to mean excessive, as Sentosa Cove demonstrates with environmentally-friendly initiatives that characterise the exclusive residential enclave.

"From the onset, Sentosa Cove was designed (in 1996) with the natural environment in mind - approximately 40 per cent of our development is dedicated to landscaping and waterbodies," saidMr Jason Yeo, general manager of Sentosa Cove Resort Management.

Tan Hui Leng ( takes you on a quick tour of the Cove's green features.

As of today, three out of 10 Cove projects have received the Building and Construction Authority's Green Mark award given to buildings that adopt green practices in its design and construction.


The numerous ponds around the island are not just eye-pleasing water features. They also double as water catchment areas for irrigation of all the landscape in North and South Cove, and the commercial precinct within Sentosa Cove.

Bio-retention swale

Designed to accumulate rain and hold it for gradual infiltration into the soil, the swale - a low-lying or depressed stretch of land - is located along the base of hillside bungalow plots.


The Cove's waterways are refreshed daily via sluices, i.e. gate-controlled water channels. During high tide, waters are channelled from the sea to the waterways and at low tides, the sluices are opened to let the water out to the sea.


Planted along a common strip on the seashore, the trees do not just provide shade but also help reduce ultra-violet rays and bring down temperatures. Furthermore, they reduce salt spray that is detrimental to buildings with metal structures and absorb emissions from passing ships.

Recycling bins

Recycling bins for plastic, paper and cans are available at the Sentosa Cove Arrival Plaza bus bay.
Bio-degradable dog poo bags

These eco-friendly dog poo bags are available around the Cove.

Source: Today, 6 Aug 2009

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