Monday, December 14, 2009

S’pore ranked 3rd in region by expats for better quality of life

Singapore earned kudos from expats for the quality of utilities, transport, education and childcare, and healthcare available here, according to the latest findings of HSBC’s Expat Explorer.

The survey, said to be the largest international survey of expatriates ever conducted, said Singapore has been ranked third among countries in the Asia-Pacific, after Australia and Thailand; and fourth against all the countries in the survey, after Canada, Australia and Thailand.

According to the survey, Singapore is tops when it comes to the setting up of utilities.

In terms of transport and commute to work, Hong Kong is ranked two places ahead of Singapore.

Singapore is a close second to Malaysia when it comes to organising school for expat children.

In terms of accommodation, over half of expats (51 per cent) in Singapore said that the quality of their accommodation has improved from their country of origin, compared to the global average of 42 per cent.

As for healthcare, over half (56 per cent) of expats felt that healthcare had improved when they moved to Singapore.

Singapore emerged a clear food haven with 43 per cent of expats agreeing that the food quality had improved significantly for them.

Commissioned by HSBC Bank International, Expat Experience is the second report in the Expat Explorer research. The survey questioned 3,146 expats across four continents and 50 countries on their experiences of integrating into local society and their quality of life in comparison to their home country.

Source: Business Times, 14 Dec 2009

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