Friday, September 11, 2009

HDB 'box' spaces are part of common area

REFER to Tuesday's letter by Mr Cheang Sai Keong, 'HDB spaces'.
HDB fully supports entrepreneurship. For instance, under the Revitalisation of Shops scheme, HDB provided funding of about $17 million to assist HDB shops enhance their vibrancy and competitiveness to better serve residents.

HDB shop tenants can also apply to sublet up to 50 per cent of their retail space. This will allow them to lower their business cost if they do not need the entire shop space.

The subletting also allows new businesses to be set up. Likewise, in sold shop premises, lessees or tenants can also sublet their retail space to lower business cost.

The outdoor display areas (ODAs), or yellow and red boxes in Mr Cheang's letter, are meant for retailers to display their goods to increase visibility and draw customers into their shops.

While the ODAs are located in front of the shops, they are part of the common area meant for general use by the public; they therefore do not belong to the shops, and cannot be sublet.

Nonetheless, HDB and the town councils have exercised flexibility and allowed shop retailers to make use of the ODAs for their intended purpose, where feasible.

Source, Straits Times, 11 Sep 2009

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