Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Buyer’s appeal

‘Ensure that Singaporeans can continue to buy resale flats at affordable prices.’

MR GLENN NG: ‘I agree with Ms Yvon Lim’s letter last Wednesday (‘How realistic is $8,000 income ceiling for flats?’). While the combined salary of my wife and me exceeds the ceiling, I wonder if the Government is aware of the heavy financial burden couples like us must bear. Our parents are not working, which means we must set aside monthly expenses to support both sets of parents. We do not live with our parents and must also pay for the homes they live in, including bills. With the present price of resale flats hitting new highs, how can we afford one? We have been married for almost two years and yearn to have a child, but it is financially not feasible. The Government encourages young couples like us to have children but, ironically, obstacles like the income ceiling work against its aim. The influx of foreign talent has directly caused the price of resale flats to spike. While I am all for it, I must also ask what the HDB is doing to ensure that Singaporeans can continue to buy resale flats at affordable prices.’

Source: Straits Times, 12 Jan 2010

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