Wednesday, August 12, 2009

URA survey on lifestyle

THE Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is looking into Singaporean lifestyles in a survey that is set to guide land use and transportation policy.

Four thousand people, including singles, families with young children, the elderly and foreigners, will be surveyed between now and November. And focus group discussions will be used to gain deeper insight into key issues.

Those taking part in the survey will be asked for their views on a range of lifestyle issues, including living and working environments, recreational activities and factors that create a sense of belonging to Singapore.

The URA hopes the survey will highlight any gaps that need filling in the provision of facilities.

Also, the findings of the Lifestyle Survey will go towards the 2011 review of the Concept Plan, which maps out Singapore's land use and transportation over the next 40 to 50 years.

Letters will be sent to notify households that have been selected for the survey.

Source: Straits Times, 12 Aug 2009

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