Sunday, August 16, 2009

Two malls near Ion Orchard raise parking fees

When Mr Leonard Wee drove out of Wheelock Place's carpark two Sundays ago after two hours, he was shocked to find $8 deducted from his Cashcard.

The IT specialist, 32, who was there for lunch with his family, had missed a signboard stating the carpark's new charges.

He never had to pay more than $4 before.

'The difference is huge and I was caught off guard. Perhaps next time, we'll eat outside the city area,' he said.

The problem, it seems, is the new Ion Orchard, which has been drawing crowds - and cars.

A Sunday Times check with six malls surrounding the new Ion Orchard showed that two have jacked up their parking fees this month.

Since Aug 1, Wheelock Place has increased its per-entry rate after 6pm from $4 to $4.50. It also implemented a $1 surcharge per car during lunchtime on weekdays.

On weekends, motorists will now have to pay weekday rates instead of a per-entry fee.

Parking for four hours on a Sunday now costs $12 instead of $4 - a 200 per cent increase.

Shaw Centre across from Wheelock raised its per-entry rate from $2.14 to $3.50 on Aug 7 to 'keep in line' with buildings in the vicinity, said its spokesman.

Wheelock's management said that it did so to manage the increased traffic.

Tenants and shoppers have been unable to gain entry because the carpark is often full, and they have caused jams along Angullia Park which have spilled onto Orchard Road.

A spokesman for Wheelock Place would not say if the increased traffic flow was due to Ion's opening. But she said demand for parking space in the vicinity is expected with the new malls and revamp of the shopping belt.

When Ion first opened its doors last month, it drew hordes of curious Singaporeans.

Motorists griped about long queues in and out of its carpark, with some having to wait 30 minutes before they could enter.

The situation compounds the gridlock along Orchard Turn, which serves Ion, Wisma Atria and Ngee Ann City. Traffic is still heavy during peak hours.

The other four malls - Ngee Ann City, Wisma Atria, Paragon and Tang Plaza - say they have no plans to increase their rates for now.

Their parking rates range from $2.14 to $3 per hour.

The last time parking charges at most carparks in the Orchard area were adjusted was in 2007, when the goods and services tax was increased to 7 per cent from 5 per cent. Many increased their parking fees by between 10 and 20 per cent.

The hike in parking rates has made sales manager Josephine Wong resort to taking the train whenever she has to meet a client in town.

'It's tiring to drive in a jam, fight for a lot and then pay a huge bill for parking,' said Ms Wong, 28, who pays less than $1.50 for her train trips each time.

'Public transport is really the cheapest and easiest way.'


Ion Orchard
First hour: $3
Subsequent 15 minutes: 70 cents
After 5pm: $4.50 per entry

Same as weekdays

First two hours: $3.50
Subsequent 15 minutes: 70 cents
After 5pm: $4.50 per entry

Ngee Ann City
Every half-hour: $1.28
After 6pm: $4.28 per entry

Saturday and Sunday:
First hour: $2.57
Subsequent half-hour: $1.61
After 6pm: $4.28 per entry

First hour: $2.25
Subsequent half-hour: $1.34
After 6pm: $3.37 per entry
Noon to 2.30pm: $1.07 surcharge

Same as weekdays

First four hours: $3.37
Subsequent 15 minutes: 70 cents

Shaw Centre
First hour: $1.07
Subsequent half-hour: $1.07
After 6pm: $3.50 per entry

Same as weekdays

$3.50 per entry

Tangs Plaza
Per minute: five cents

Saturday and Sunday:
Same as weekdays

Wheelock Place
First hour: $3
Subsequent half-hour: $1.50
After 6pm: $4.50 per entry
Noon to 2.30pm: $1.07 surcharge

Saturday and Sunday:
Same as weekdays

Wisma Atria
First two hours: $2.30
Subsequent half-hour: $1.10
After 5pm: $3.50 per entry

Same as weekdays

First two hours: $3.50
Subsequent half-hour: 80 cents

Source: Sunday Times, 16 Aug 2009

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