Tuesday, August 11, 2009

There's room for more boutique hotels

BOUTIQUE hotels are sprouting like mushrooms recently but industry watchers say that the boutique hotel sector in Singapore is still under-penetrated. They say there's room for at least another 10 new ones, to spice up the local hospitality scene and to attract more niche travellers looking for something different.

At Singapore's latest boutique hotel, klapsons, you can take a shower right in the middle of your room just a few feet from your bed, for about US$270 ($385) per night in a basic executive room. The most expensive room, the premium suite, costs US$850 per night.

Since its soft launch in June, the 17-room hotel, located in downtown Singapore, has attracted bookings from some 250 corporate clients.

klapson's director Adrian Lee said: "Right now you have the run-of-the-mill five-star hotel or the other extreme. There's nothing that fills the gap in the middle which we see ourselves fit very nicely."

Another boutique hotel, Naumi, which has 40 rooms, said that it's banking on leisure travellers for next month's Formula 1 race in Singapore and year-end holiday-makers.

Naumi's hotel manager Hamat Rai said that "even in these challenging times, we've been lucky to be surviving on 80-per-cent occupancy".

Quincy, which opened in June, has seen an average of 77-per-cent occupancy with nearly half of their guests being repeat visitors.

Observers say there will be no shortage of business for boutique hotels like these, if they offer value in their services.

Tourism Management Institute chief executive Loi HP said "they provide very personalised service", are "unique in terms of room design" and are "normally located in areas where there's a heritage background".

Source: Today, 11 Aug 2009

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