Saturday, August 1, 2009

Should residents have to pay for 2nd or 3rd carpark lots?

PARKING can be a headache for some condos with very few carpark lots, especially if some homeowners have second or third cars.

Parc Oasis condo chairman Lim Taik Leong suggests one method of allocating lots. Divide the total number of carpark lots by the number of apartment units to determine the number of free carpark lots each household is entitled to.

Typically, however, each condo unit owner gets to park only one car free.

Whether there are lots for second and third cars depends on the type of development in question, says Mr Chan Kok Hong, managing director of CKH Strata Management.

In prime districts, where the majority of residents may be expatriate tenants, some may not own cars. This frees up lots for local residents who may own more than one car. In this case, their second or even third cars may be parked for free.

However, in estates where there are not enough lots, charges are levied for second and third cars, to be fair to other owners in the estate.

An alternative method is to conduct a ballot for the available spaces to second-car owners on a quarterly basis.

Source: Straits Times, 1 Aug 2009

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