Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shared housing a short-term help for needy families

We refer to the letters, 'Shared housing scheme may put children's safety at risk' and 'Good plan but iron out conflict, privacy issues' (Aug2).

The Interim Rental Housing, or IRH, scheme was introduced to provide temporary rental housing at low cost to households in financial difficulty while these households sort out ways to reduce their financial burden, for example, by downgrading to a more affordable flat.

Under the IRH scheme, two families share a flat to keep the rent low. This also allows the Housing Board to help more families in need.

While there are inconveniences to flat-sharing, we wish to highlight that the IRH arrangement is meant to be temporary.

A conscious effort is made to pair families with similar backgrounds. At the start of their temporary stay, basic house rules are established to help the families avoid conflicts.

The HDB's managing agent is also stationed on site to offer help and mediate if necessary.

This arrangement has in general worked well for the 110 units leased out under the IRH scheme.

Besides the IRH, families in need may also consider other options, for example, staying with their friends or relatives.

We will continue to monitor the situation and review the scheme if necessary. We thank the writers for their feedback.

Mike Chan
Deputy Director (Rental Housing)
for Director (Housing Administration)
Housing & Development Board

Source: Sunday Times, 16 Aug 2009

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